Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Familiar story, different punchline

This is a young blog, only got a small audience, yet I am hearing the same comments again and again. A lot of people have had a similar journey through diagnosis, yet the care they are offered varies widely.
I have been unbelievably lucky to be offered treatment in just over a month from diagnosis.  There has been an element of 'luck' with the timing of my current relapse. It has kept me freshin the minds of my carers. But saying that I think the really lucky thing is who they are, their personalities and determination to not let ms win in any case.
The question has to be asked however, 'how can I receive treatment so quickly when some people are offrred the dream but left for months waiting?'
Obviously every case is different and I dont know all of the details of each, but every patient is just a deserving of any treatment that can make a real difference to their life.  The world, as power and money driven as it is, determines that the nhs has limited resources and the drug companies want to milk their product for all they can. That is the way it is, and wont change easily.  The problem I see is the inequality across the nhs without clear justification.

I would love to be able to offer a way to make access to the best drugs equal for all. The best idea I can get for this is to raise awareness of ms, and the treatments available. Hopefully in time some people of power influence and money will throw some clout around anf help the nhs with this.  What I would ask of you is to help spread the word. If that means sharing your story and yiut feel comfortable doing so please do it. If it means promoting my story, use me as a public face if ms. The important thing is to raise the profile of ms. Its not terminal. It doesn't affect children generally, so it wont get headlines. But it does affect a huge number of lives, and its effects could be reduced with the right medical strategy. I want to make a difference, and if you can help in any way please do.

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