Wednesday 16 March 2016

Excess energy from steroids

Its day two of my treatment and only effects I've felt so far is the restless energy from the steroids. I'm getting a big dose 300milligrams of methylpredislone each day, it makes you twitchy and keeps you awake.

So last night I finally got to sleep at about 2:30, today I'm tired from the lack of sleep, but wired from today's dose. C however got little sleep as I went into the spare room in the hope of not disturbing her, only to be replaced by two twitchy kids cuddling in and making it uncomfortably hot. She doesn't get the steroid boost so is shattered.

As the day draws to an end, the treatment was straightforward, no problems, no ill effects and I actually feel tired. Here hoping for a full night's sleep for the whole family before my last day tomorrow.

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